As the country strives to recover from the effects of Covid-19 pandemic, we are seeing science and innovation playing a far more prominent role both in our efforts to overcome the disease and rebuild our economy.
EdCast Appointed as Technology Partner for the Future Skills Platform Undertaken by BPESA in GBS Sector in South Africa
Business Processes Enabling South Africa (BPESA) has officially appointed EdCast to deploy the EdCast Knowledge Cloud as a key enabler of the Global Business Services (GBS) Future Skills Platform, mobilised by BPESA in the GBS sector, in South Africa.
SA’s higher learning institutions expedite digital projects
A study of South Africa’s higher education sector has revealed an overall increase in digital transformation across higher learning institutions, as they move to improve learning outcomes.
Wits University Leads Efforts To Connect Informal Settlements To High-Speed Internet
Wits University is leading efforts to develop low-cost, long-range free-space optics that can connect informal settlement communities to high-speed internet.
Thousands of jobs vacant in SA’s IT sector
Thousands of jobs must be filled in South Africa’s IT sector, according to a new skills survey.
The 2021 ICT Skills Survey assessed the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown on working conditions and skills supply and demand in SA. It found nearly 10 000 hard-to-fill positions in the ICT sector.
Govt in digital skills drive as it fights youth joblessness
The next phase of government’s Presidential Employment Stimulus will zone in on training young people in digital skills, says president Cyril Ramaphosa. In addition, youth-owned enterprises will receive support to expand and provide job opportunities, notes Ramaphosa in his weekly newsletter this morning.
Government plans for a digital future
MICT SETA spearheads formal training for 4IR in SA
Mastercard launches $25mn fund to help small businesses navigate the digital transition
How QuantumCrayon is developing the next generation of technologists in South Africa with AWS IoT EduKit
QuantumCrayon is a startup based in South Africa, focused on developing a community of technologists who will help guide local businesses on their digital journeys by creating, evaluating, and implementing impactful technology projects that propel the businesses into the future. They primarily work on telecommunications and disruptive 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies such as augmented reality (AR)